Two tales about the perils of being left home alone during Yule.
[Today, December 22. 2023, there is currently no volcanic eruption, that might change soon.]
Tales of History, Culture and Folkore
Two tales about the perils of being left home alone during Yule.
[Today, December 22. 2023, there is currently no volcanic eruption, that might change soon.]
In the 17th century, Iceland was thrown into a panic about witchcraft. My ancestor Einar Nikulásson lived through almost the exact period of the “age of burning” and has gone down in folklore as “Galdrameistari” or “master of sorcery”. These stories also implicated his descendants, especially Þórarinn Einarson, Jón Einarsson and Einar Jónsson (the last two are also my ancestors).
This episode explores these stories and the reputations of these real men, earned and unearned.
Bobby Fischer was a chess phenomenon, likely to most famous player to ever play the game. He wound up a fugitive who ended his life as an Icelandic citizen. This episode tells the story of Bobby Fischer in Iceland.
AP videos (Bobby Fischer in Iceland)
Bobby Fischer on 60 Minutes (pre-match)
Where everyone …. lives happily ever after?
This is the third episode based on The Saga of the Völsungs, the last part of the story. We follow Guðrún and her relationship with Atli (aka Attila the Hun). There is a bit of tragedy. A lot of violence and a horrific scene which is not meant for children (even though children are involved).
Lokasenna is one of the most controversial of the Eddic poems. It is also funny and naughty. There are two versions in the feed, one with the naughtiest bits removed and this one that has everything.
Lokasenna is one of the most controversial of the Eddic poems. It is also funny and naughty. There are two versions in the feed, this one has the naughtiest bits removed, the other includes them all.
The English Dane by Sarah Bakewell was my main source for Jörgensen’s later life in Tasmania.
A Spotify link to the album Eitt sumar á landinu bláa, from the musical about Jörgensen, performed by the band Þrjú á palli.
An online version of the book Journal of a tour in Iceland in the summer of 1809 by William Jackson Hooker.
Scottish Plans for the Annexation of Iceland by Anna Agnarsdóttir (pdf).
An article in Icelandic by Bragi Þorgrímur Ólafsson on the changing perception of Jörgensen in Iceland through time.
An Icelandic book that includes much of the original source material: Sjálfstæði Íslands 1809.
A thesis project, in Icelandic, outlining a pitch for a television series about Guðrún Einarsdóttir Johnsen.
You can find articles by dr. Arngrímur in these books:
Paranormal Encounters in Iceland 1150–1400
Margins, Monsters, Deviants Alterities in Old Norse Literature and Culture
Icelandic Food and Cookery by Nanna Rögnvaldardóttir (mentioned in the episode) is a great source of information and Icelandic cuisine.
In Vopnafjörður there is a farm called Bustarfell which has long history and is connected to many stories.
Also, big thanks to André Bernier who interviewed me for his podcast Weatherjazz – episode 79. Continue reading “What\’s in an Icelandic Name”