Stories of Iceland is a podcast series by Óli Gneisti Sóleyjarson. It deals with the culture, history and folklore of Iceland. It aims to entertain and enlighten.
Óli Gneisti Sóleyjarson has degrees in Folklore (MA) and Applied studies in Culture and Communication (MA) and Library and Information Science (BA). He studied at the University of Iceland with brief visits abroad at Aarhus University and University College Cork.
Theme song
The theme song for Stories of Iceland is called Á Sprengisandi. It was written by Icelandic composer Sigvaldi Kaldalóns (1881 – 1946). The lyrics, which do not appear in my version, is a poem by Icelandic poet Grímur Thomsen (1820 – 1896) and deals with the fears of a rider who is in the wilderness of the Icelandic highlands. He hears a sound and he imagines that it might be outlaws or even the elf-queen herself. At the end the rider says he would give his best horse if he could be out of danger.
Software (Free and/or Open Source)
I am a Linux (Mint) user and I use Free and/or Open Source software for everything.
Podlove – WordPress podcast and rss implementation.
Gimp – Photo-editing.
Krita – Drawing and painting.
Inkscape – Vector manipulation.
Synfig – Animation.
Audacity – Audio editing.
Kdenlive – Videoediting.
OBS – Video-episode recording.